
Kim K beat Hillary Clinton in a legal quiz and shows her baby bar homework has clearly paid off

In an episode of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s upcoming show Gusty, fans get to see Kim Kardashian go head-to-head with the former US secretary of state in a law quiz.

Despite Hillary holding a law degree from Yale, she was bested by Kim who walked away with a win. This comes less than a year after Kim passed the baby bar exam, on her third try.

Kim, who rose to fame in the reality television show Keeping Up With the Kardashians and has several fashion lines, a make up brand, and a huge social media following, has expressed her interest in working in criminal justice reform.

As an advocate for those in jail maintaining their innocence, Kim Kardashian has also released a true-crime podcast.

A preview shared exclusively with People from Hillary and Chelsea’s upcoming documentary series Gutsy shows Kim beating Hillary in a legal quiz.

In fact, the scores weren’t even close at Kim walked away with an 11-4 win. Questions included the topic of deadly force, the difference between extortion and robbery, and when a claim of self-defence is permissible.

Kim’s law school knowledge came in handy, and Hillary herself acknowledged that the reality TV star has “an unfair advantage.”

Chelsea, who hosted the quiz, also commented on Kim’s recent experience with the baby bar exam, saying that she has studied “more recently” than Hillary.

Gutsy will premier on Apple TV+ September 9.

Speaking about Kim’s performance in the quiz, Hillary said: “I was really intrigued by how well she did. I wanted to put the spotlight on her, not that she needs it, but she worked really hard to get that.”

However, Chelsea felt that her mother needed to “work on her reaction time” as she could see that Hillary knew the answers, but “wouldn’t hit the buzzer in time.”

The two women were also impressed with Kim’s passion about criminal justice reform, and her perseverance with the baby bar exam.

Chelsea said that Kim is “very self-aware that her celebrity can make a difference positively.”

“She never wants to make a negative difference, so being judicious and thoughtful about when and where and how she engages was really impressive to us. I want, even beyond this series, to do whatever I can to help her in that work,” Chelsea continued to say.

When did Kim pass the baby bar?

In December 2021 Kim passed the baby bar exam, and excitedly shared the news on social media, writing:

“OMFGGGG I PASSED THE BABY BAR EXAM!!!! Looking in the mirror, I am really proud of the woman looking back today in the reflection. For anyone who doesn’t know my law school journey, know this wasn’t easy or handed to me.”

In 2019, Kim announced that she was studying to become a lawyer through the Law Office study programme, under which would-be attorneys train under the supervision of an experienced lawyer. In order to continue studying and be able to take the full bar exam Kim needed to pass the baby bar.

Before passing, Kim took the test three times. Usually, people in California are only allowed to take the test three times, but students who failed in June 2020 were given an extra try due to the pandemic.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-09